iOS is the Operating System for the Apple's Mobile Devices

           Apple Mobile Operating System (iOS) runs to the iPhone's, iPad's, Apple TV and other iPod touch devices. It is developed by company. iOS is the second-largest operating system worldwide after Android. iOS makes its device’s sensors very strong, which makes your work very easy by detecting your fingertips immediately. In the simplest terms, an operating system is what lies between you and the physical device. 

                             Mobile operating systems like iOS is different from most other operating systems because they put each app in its own protective shell, which keeps other apps from tampering with them.

History of iOS OS : - 

In 2005 when Steve Jobs started planning for iPhone, he had two options, the first being shrink the Mac. This is the Macintosh desktop of Apple company and the second was to enlarge the iPod. To solve this problem, they met the team that made the Mac. and iPod and then decided to make iOS for iPhone.

          Apple launched iOS—then called iPhone OS, on June 29, 2007, with the very first iPhone. Since then, the mobile operating system has been gone through some major upgrades. But it didn’t happen overnight. Ever year in the summer, Apple has reinvented the OS, adding new features and redefining what’s possible on all its i Devices. Initially third-party apps were not allowed to run the device on iOS OS. Steve Job’s idea was that application of iOS developers can develop web apps through the Safari web browser.So, iPhone depends on web apps.